Monday, February 25, 2008

Will Google and YouTube do to TV what the Internet has done to Newspapers?

The following article asks an interesting question - does the marriage of Google and YouTube (and similar pairings to come) spell the slow demise of TV? We are in an age of new media pushing out the old, but still have some way to go before this will happen. The networks have time to get it together before we can all easily and seamlessly watch video downloads on our TVs. For most people, watching TV remains a couch potato sport. TV is about switching off the brain and relaxing, not fiddling with a small computer screen to get the latest low-resolution 2 minute download. The Internet will compete with TV once it becomes easily and cheaply navigable by remote control. Nonetheless this will happen. The marriage of Internet and video should also open the competitive field in TV to a lot more players than have been supportable in the past.

A related article discusses how ABC plans to beat off the DVR. DVRs are unpopular with cable providers because they are expensive to distribute and maintain:

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